Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Podcast Summaries

Part One:
In the first part of the podcast, the speaker is talking about when the Iranian president,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, used rude words towards the United States. He called them "the boogie man snatched the boob." It's so shocking because it came from a politician, a head man of countries. He tried to show that he was a man of his people, and he would support his people. 

Part Two:
The northernmost town in Greenland is fixing its dialect, and most people know very little about their language called Inukten. The people in this town live very old lifestyle including hunting and riding on dogsleds. About 1,000 people live in this community, and a man from Cambridge University is studying their language and their ways of life for a year and writing about it.

Part Three:
The third part of the podcast talks about how international blockbusters were sold in the United States and made a lot of money ten years ago, but now foreign language movies are trying to find new ways to get an audience. It is harder to get people to watch these movies because of all of the new movies from America coming out. It would have to be extremely special for people to watch foreign language movies. The other problem is that foreign language movies don't go into theaters, and without theaters, you can't get reviews that would be showed to people, and that would enable it to be talked about. They have to be good to be seen anywhere. 

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