Sunday, January 9, 2011

Language Interview

I did my Language and Experience Project on a guy from the John Carroll School. His name is Lionel Owona, and he is in the freshman class.

Q: Where do you come from? Where is it located in the world?
A: I come from a country called Cameroon. It is located in central Africa on the West coast bordered by Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad, Guinea, Congo, and the Atlantic Ocean.  

Q: When did you come to America? How do you like it so far?
A: I came to America in July, so I have been here for about 6 months now. It is great here! I really like John Carroll and the people here. I have been learning a lot, and I have been having a lot of fun so far!

Q: What is your favorite part of America?
A: I really like New York City! I have been there twice, once over Thanksgiving break and another time over Christmas break. I went there over Christmas break for a basketball tournament with the John Carroll team. It was a lot of fun. It is a totally different experience for me, a huge city like New York, because there are no cities quite like New York in Cameroon. It is amazing.

Q: What languages can you speak?
A: I know how to speak French, English, and Spanish. French and English are the official languages of Cameroon, so I have been able to speak them since I was little. I spoke mostly French when I lived in Cameroon, so I am still learning more English, but living in America for so long has really helped. I am taking Spanish as my language here so I will be able to speak another language other than French and English. I think it is very important to be able to speak many different languages, so you will be that much more smart and prepared for any job that you have.

Q: What is your favorite subject at John Carroll? Do you have the same classes in Cameroon?
A: My favorite subject at John Carroll is algebra. I like algebra a lot because no matter what country you are in, it is always the same because it’s just numbers and letters. We do have the same subjects in Cameroon than we do in America, so it’s not that hard to keep up with the classes. Algebra is just a better class to me personally.  I like it a lot more than most classes.

Q: Where is the education harder- Cameroon or America?
A: The education in Cameroon is harder than here. The classes are much harder, we stay in classes longer, and we have to be bilingual to pass many of the grades. You have to be able to be bilingual in French and English to make it through primary school, so it coming to America was not a very hard transition in that way. The education in Cameroon is among the best in Africa, so I was lucky to be able to have a good education.

Q: Do you still speak your primary language with your family and friends from Cameroon?
A: Yes, whenever I am able to speak to my family and friends from Cameroon I speak to them in French. They are not as fluent in English as I am since they were not fortunate enough to be able to come here with me.

Q: What is your favorite hometown memory? What do you miss most about Cameroon?
A: My favorite memory from Cameroon is my house. I liked it so much because my family and friends were always there with me in my house and in town. I miss my family and friends very much. I haven’t been able to go back to Cameroon, and I am not sure when I will be able to. I hope I can see my family soon because I miss them very much.

Q: How is the United States different?
A: America is very different from my country with the houses, food, weather, season, and culture. The houses in America are much larger than the ones in Cameroon. They are also much larger and nicer. There is a different variety of food in America. There is Mexican food, Italian, German, any kind of food imaginable really. Cameroon is also very hot and tropical, and unlike America, there aren’t different seasons. It is just hot and humid all year long.

Q: Do you think you will stay in American after high school or go back to Cameroon?
A: I will stay in America to go to college and possibly make a career after college.

Cameroon Flag


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