Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd Daily

Could a force like Alexander the Great exist today? Why or why not?

I personally don't think that a force like Alexander the Great could exist and manage to take over so much land in so little time like what Alexander the Great did. Alexander was such a young guy, taking control over so much land, including Asia and other parts of the world known back then. I think that it was much easier to take over land and start a large battle in which empires, countries now a days, are taken over back then because of their lack of technology. There was really no real way how any empire could know that someone was going to attack them until they were on their way and almost to the empire. With technology today, countries all over the world are able to spy on other countries, so if they are planning on attacking, the other country could be prepared and stop the attack before they are able to take over. Even though there aren't empires and countries as massive as the empires back then, there are dictators of large countries that possibly could take over more land if they wanted to, but there are so many allies and peace treaties in today's times that keep countries from attacking certain countries for control over it. I think that it would be very hard for any dictator to be such an impact to the world much like Alexander was in the sense that was like able to take over most of the known world back then. There is too much technology, media, and allies that could keep from something that big from happening. I think that it is a good thing though, because if someone could easily take over most of the world like Alexander did, life would  be very different and not very good depending on who would take over all of these countries. 


  1. I agree, it would be so much harder for one ruler to conquer all of Asia.

  2. You say that Alexander had a "lack of tech" and therefore today a leader could not accomplish what he did; but wouldn't leaders in major countries today -- armed with better tech -- have a better shot at creating an empire?
