Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb 3rd Daily

Describe the importance of water in the ancient world.

Water, like today, is a necessity for for life. You cannot life live without water to drink, to feed plants, and for many other reasons. It was very important to life in the ancient world because it was the key component to trade and traveling. Living near water would allow you to have fresh water to drink everyday so you can live. Also, the water would allow you to travel through the water and go into areas with a lack of water to trade. If you lived near water, you can bathe regularly in the lake, ocean, river, etc..  In today's times, you can bathe by taking a shower or bath. You can cook things in boiling water boiled from a stove. Water is so important to life today, I can't even imagine how important water was in ancient times.  A huge part of what the ancient people needed water for was agriculture. Farming was very important to this times, like it is now. Farming lead to food and trade, which is how they maintained life back then. Without food and trade, they could not have lived in  ancient times. Especially with out water, everyone in ancient times would die. 

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